
Mastering the Perfect Spring Clean

Whether your Spring-cleaning routine is an all-weekend marathon or a series of small sprints, this room-by-room cleaning list will keep you on track.

All Room Spring-Cleaning List

Start with tasks that apply to all rooms, then hit each room one-by-one for more specific cleaning.

  • Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Clean windowsills and window tracks
  • Vacuum curtains and window blinds
  • Wipe down baseboards and dust corners for cobwebs
  • Test batteries in all your smoke detectors
  • Disinfect doorknobs, cabinet handles and light switches

Kitchen Spring Cleaning Checklist

Clean all large appliances, small appliances, and surfaces in your kitchen:

  • Wipe down your microwave and other small appliances
  • Empty the crumb tray in your toaster
  • Empty the refrigerator and defrost the freezer
  • Clean refrigerator shelves (consider using the dishwasher – if they fit!)
  • Clean behind and beneath the refrigerator (coils need dusting!)
  • Clean your oven and scrub the stovetop
  • Clear out cabinets and wash the shelves
  • Sanitise the sink and clean the inner rim of your sink guard

Bedroom Spring Cleaning List

  • Organise drawers and closets (time to donate any clothes you don’t wear!)
  • Wash bedding – hang outside in sunlight to benefit from the effective natural sanitiser with antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • Rotate your mattresses

Bathroom Spring Cleaning Checklist

  • Organise cabinets and drawers
  • Properly dispose of old medicine and toiletries
  • Scrub the shower and bathtub
  • Wash the shower curtain and floormat (some can go in the washing machine)
  • Scrub the toilet and tile around the toilet

Smaller Area & Outdoor Spring-Cleaning List

Home Office

  • Clean your keyboard with canned air
  • Disinfect your computer mouse and phone

Living Room

  • Remove furniture cushions and vacuum crevasses

Laundry Room

  • Clean behind the washer and dryer
  • Thoroughly clean the lint traps in your dryer AND washer

Outdoor/ Al fresco Areas

  • Remove everything from your garage reorganise (is it time to let go of anything?)
  • Pressure wash your deck and outdoor furniture
  • Hose-out and disinfect your garbage can and recycling bins
  • Wash the outside of your windows inside and out

Hooray, you’ve reached the end of the Spring-Cleaning Checklist. But wait… there’s more.

How to Prepare for Next Year’s Spring Cleaning

To make Spring cleaning a snap next year, establish a regular cleaning schedule. Here are some quick cleaning tips to practice all year.

Dust: Brush a dusting wand over all open surfaces. A few minutes to spare? Break out the furniture polish for a quick shine.

Clean doors and switch plates: Using a damp microfiber cloth, remove fingerprints, smudges, and germs from light switch plates and doorknobs.

Dust ceiling fans: Place a pillowcase over the fan blade, then pull it toward you to collect the dust. After dusting, use a cloth dipped in warm, soapy water to clean off each blade. Then dry.

Baseboards: Use a microfiber mop to swiftly clear dust and debris from baseboards.

Keep it Green – Mix up your own all-natural cleanser

Whether you’re trying to reduce chemicals or just want a handy backup for your usual cleanser, it’s a good idea to know how to mix up your own homemade cleaning solutions using ingredients you have around the house. Effective on quartz, granite, and marble counters, plus appliances and sinks.

  • 3/4 cup water
  • 3/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 5 to 10 drops peppermint, lemon, or orange essential oil
  • 1 squirt natural dish soap

Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well.  Spray onto the surface and wipe with a clean cloth.