A Lakeside Lifestyle – What’s in it for You?

The benefits of living near water are endless and can help you slow down, relax, and refocus. It will come as no surprise that this feeling of relaxation has many positive benefits for your health.

Reducing stress increasing calm

Lakeside living is a peaceful existence – it is easy-going and serene. Living in urban environments can desensitise you to be unaware just how much stress your body carries. Over extended periods of time, this stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health.

Relocating close to the water can create a calming effect over your body that reduces stress. When you remove the effects of daily fast-paced urban life you make room for just the quiet beauty of the environment that surrounds you.

There’s a reason the local spa plays audio of water sounds.  Living near water will give you the most natural and soothing melodies. While listening to relaxing noises of the water lapping the shore, you will increase calm and relaxation.

Improving Sleep

Reducing stress also means a more restful night’s sleep. Sleep is crucial to good health. It is a time for your body to rest and recover from a long day. When you live in such a peaceful environment, your quality of sleep is likely to improve. Reduced noise pollution from city life and daily grind stress also makes it easier to fall, and stay, asleep.

Clean Air – happy lungs

When you live and play near the lake, you are breathing clean air, and plenty of it. By increasing time spent in fresh air, you can help boost your immune system thereby increasing your white blood cell count (key to helping you fight off infections). Plus, the clean air and proximity to nature can also improve your brain functions including mood, productivity, and learning.

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A New Blue

Research has shown that our body and mind tend to have a personal and emotional relationship with water, also known as “Blue Mind” effect. This is a state when our body and soul feel more relaxed when near water.

“Blue mind theory is a legitimate and now trendy branch of the mindfulness landscape. A host of studies by neuroscientists have shown that water reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone), slows our breathing and heart rate, and allows us to gently move into a mildly meditative mood.”

For more about this effect, you can read “Blue Mind” by marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols on the remarkable effects of water on our health and well-being.  It explores why being near water set our minds and bodies at ease and reveals the remarkable truth about the benefits of being in, on, under, or simply near water. (Source: http://amzn.to/2N41U4W)

Lake living is a reality at Latitude25 in Hervey Bay. With homes being built around two picturesque lakes with walkways and gorgeous landscaping, Latitude25 is a luxury fully planned RV lifestyle gated community catering to active over 50s lifestyle enthusiasts in a new vibrant safe community complete with resort-style facilities.

Learn more about Latitude25 at visitlatitude25.com.au or call to organise your own personal tour – virtual or in person – call Jane on 1800 025 025 or email info@visitlatitude25.com.au and don’t forget to ask us about our 2 Night Stay offer!